Thursday, 13 December 2007
Random post
Let's see what i got or learn in this holiday...
My Flash lessons are fine... it's coming to the end now. Maybe I can make some simple animation for this blog's intro :P
Damn... my local basketball court is under renovation, so I'm forced to play around my house.
Ah... and my writings is half-way done right now I guess. Chapter 5 now. :)
Learned some guitar basics from Jia Jun, realy damn basic... lol
Here's a website for animation, quite nice:
And conglads to Jacky for getting his 'dream' xue sha...
At last, wish you all a good day and an early Merry Christmas :)
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
Animator vs Animation
Hope you enjoy :)
NOTE: I have heard of a website called []. Just a friendly reminder, no offense, but I think it's a trap to either - hack your MSN or collect your add for SPAM.
Disclaimer: I do not say it is 100% bugged website. I just felt suspicious after both Song and ChunXian send the same message (auto-message, I said) to me, asking me to join the web. And ChunXian's display name even changed by itself (or at least I saw it).
PS: Happy birthday to our Roxy :P aka Jiayu.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Butter vs Margarine
Pass The Butter
Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back. It was a white substance with no food appeal so they added the yellow coloring and sold it to people to use in place of butter. How do you like it? They have come out with some clever new flavorings.
DO YOU KNOW.. the difference between margarine and butter?
Read on to the end...gets very interesting!
Both have the same amount of calories.
Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams compared to 5 grams.
Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.
Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods.
Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few only because they are added!
Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavors of other foods.
Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years.
And now, for Margarine..
Very high in transfatty acids.
Triple risk of coronary heart disease.
Increases total cholesterol and LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol) !
Increases the risk of cancers up to five fold.
Lowers quality of breast milk.
Decreases immune response.
Decreases insulin response.
And here's the most disturbing fact.... HERE IS THE PART THAT IS VERY INTERESTING!
Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC..
This fact alone was enough to have me avoiding margarine for life and anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance).
You can try this yourself:
Purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in your garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will note a couple of things:
* no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something)
* it does not rot or smell differently because it has no nutritional value; nothing will grow on it Even those teeny weeny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow. Why? Because it is nearly plastic. Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast?
Chinese Proverb:
"When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.
End of transmission...
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Camp Photos
3 seniors - A photo beside a 'beautiful' drain.
God comes! A picture of me in the jungle hiking. Mind you, it isn't cool -the mosquito is damn annoying...
Some silly fall-in during station game. I wonder why the leader wear "hip-pants".
"Thank you sir!.. erm, Madam..." A salute to higher ranks' is essential in scout activities. (even though she is shorter)
A DIY BBQ pit...
Dual combo. No extra explain needed.
Lonely duck... he gonna leave the school - for good... lol
Storm, earth, fire.. heed my call. Our camp fire.
My cousin and Troop leader. Will he be the next troop leader?
Another victim of the camera. Btw, how the hell did he get in...
Tower - fully loaded. Guard tower going to fall~~ (Note: this isn't current camp's)
Okay... now, I smell something fishy...
Hey, and where are Joyce's photos? I don't think 'he' doesn't take any... :P
Btw, enjoy your holiday guys. :)
PS: More photos will be on when the camera-man hands the photos over.
PSS: Anyone who want to share the camp photos, pls send it to me via MSN.
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Camping fun
This time, we got the highest number of non-scout members joining our camp, and the campfire is fun.
And it's funny yet annoying to find that our ex-member Johnathon keep on calling to all senior's phone to find Jia Ern (one of our seniors).
1st day
It's a fine sunny day. We got four Jr. 3, two Jr. 2, and six Jr. 1.
Not much special activities today, except the physical game we played this afternoon. I stationed the wall climbing one... quite fun actually, call them to climb on the wall, sing a song. lol. And you will laugh when they sing the 'deformed' Negaraku... what the hell, some of them don't even know how to sing...
2nd day
We go jungle trekking today.
I and 2 friends went in first, as route planner. It's much more cooler when we enter, except one reason that make me like 2nd team better than the 1st team - a lot of mosquitoes! I can still see some light marks of the bite now. Scary..
We reached our final spot and start chatting about some supernatural events happened in schools, forests, and hills. Ghost stories for short. Surprisingly, there is one about our school, that doesn't make sense to me at all, but there are some so-called 'evidence' that suggest it might be real.
3rd day
Last night I went back to home for a wedding dinner held by my relatives.
The 1st time I know when I come back is, some idiot malays disturbed us last night. It's damn annoying and they broke a window at the 2nd floor of the science lab.
We had some fun today by playing station game. The best part is when it involved water.
And we had a camp fire this night. We were happy to invite Joyce (or at least someone was :P). It's quite fun to have a chat with all my friends and play some funny games. And we were sad to announce that our 'duckduck' will leave the school and this will most likely be his last camp.
Oh yea, we played some stupid streetball at our basketball court at midnight. :)
4th day
Nothing special, clearing up the tent site and ready to go home!
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
some funny pictures
Monday, 12 November 2007
Happy Birthday Ling yue
Happy birthday to you...It's our class' Ling Yue birthday yesterday. Another sweet sixteen!
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to Ling Yue...
Happy birthday to you!
We had the party in MP, near greentown, and we had 15 person there.
However, something wrong might had happened.
1st of all, 'she who must not be named' cried even before the feast is started. Well, we don't really know what happened, but what we know is the girls (Yin Chean, as Moo said) put the blame on Song, which is VERY unfair to him. We didn't even do anything!
OK... enough for this..
Mr Moo got himself drunk... and speak and act weirdly... gee...
And our Ling Yue didn't got her sixteen prank! Well, we will save that for others, lol.
Overall, this party is quite fun - Ah Su and Song haven't failed their job to get as much food as possible to the table.
Jacky fulfill his job to joke and Kong is still that noisy... lol
Only thing is Chun Xian seems to be a bit silence for this party. But nevermind that.
So, happy birthday Ling Yue and wish you the best for the future.
Aftermaths, out.
PS: Prefect World players watch out, patch might be working for this time.
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Basketball frenzy
Black horse record:
Lineup -
PG - David
SG - Yann Kang (Rabbit)
SG - Ah Yao
C - Song
C - Beng
PF - Neo
(PG - Point Guard / SG - Shooting Guard / C - Center / PF - Power Forward)
Score -
8 - 10
5 - 26
0 - 26
14 - 15
4 - 70
Not totally sux, but well... let's see...
8 - 10 is when we play against 3J1 'candle man'. My fault I guess, I haven't warm up and the first 3 ball is just stupid. Their players aren't really that strong actually, it's only their Center who is tall and score most of the ball (4 out of 5 if I'm not wrong)
I score 1 ball here, layup. Others are to Song, Rabbit, and Yao.
Btw, Yao and Rabbit were 'pressured'... can't preform real well.
Next 2 match's (5-26 , 0-26) opponent players are mostly, if not all, consist of school team players. You should know the result, I guess. Our team aren't strong and we are lacking of Forward - Neo isn't really trained Forward, he is suppose to be Center.
Result - totally flanked.
14 - 15 match is yet another match that we can win. Well, I don't know, but I guess my performance for this match was quite good. At least I passed well (maybe some mistakes, sometimes), shot well (one 2-point, one free-shoot - that's one point, one backboard shot), dribbled well (only 1 interception if I'm not wrong), layup (1 or 2 times, I forgot..), and assisted well.
This is the match that I really have confidence in winning it, but I guess our defense isn't good enough, or is it teamwork? We manage to flank them till 14 - 10, but then...
I can't really blame who's fault, but I don't know why Song suddenly dribble instead of me. And Rabbit isn't real good when scoring in the red-area (a.k.a. free throw lane).
4-70.. well..
This score is just funny. You guessed right, this aren't a fair match...
But wait.
Who the hell play dirty first?
The school team.
They call another team to let them score, get higher marks. You see, our 1st team, Happy Basketball Team (HBT) had win all match except one. This same goes to one of the school team. As a result, the one who got the highest point will get 1st.
We actually had discuss this matter with our 1st team before the match, and we agree to play fair, sporting spirit! But then? What da hell...
School team play dirty, as I said, called other team to let them score. They even call others to help them (with end score 63 - 6), and even 'candle man' help them by clearing all possible balls to HBT (they just throw away all balls).
There is a speaking in chinese: a man won't accept an unfair situation. That's perfectly true. With the school team, which is already good in skills, playing dirty, there isn't a chance for us to win! Even the time-keeper help them by blowing the half-time and ending whistler earlier than the rules (1 or 2 minutes earlier) for our team.
That's totally sux, dude.
Last match 2-4, well... it's raining and no one wanted to play, so we have a 3 minute play for the whole match and have the old football 'golden ball' on. It's funny... lol
And the floor is damn slippery.
Overall, we play 1-2-2 in defense and 2-3 in offense. dude to the lack of Forward, we play shooting, which is really bad when rabbit and Yao (our 2 main scoring player by default) don't have the luck today.
By the way, good job team! Our 2 Center rocks, and our SGs are good. Out PF isn't bad either, although I quite angry of him when I can't find him to substitute one of our team members in the first match (which tend to win).
Maybe I'm not a good PG, that's all. Too bad I start training late.
But I'm pretty happy with my 2 scored layup. Haha...
Before the end of my entry, I would like to quote a part of the song: Point of Authority, by Linkin Park. Especially to some people who are so boasting and coward.

Forfeit the game
Before somebody else
Takes you out of the frame
And puts your name to shame
Cover up your face
You can't run the race
The pace is too fast
You just won't last...
Let's see what will happen when tomorrow's volleyball match starts.
Aftermath, out.
PS: Thanks to all my friends who support my team and HBT.
PSS: Damn, I need retrain... :P
Monday, 5 November 2007
Afterexam :)
Happy? Because the exams are finally over.
Exciting? Because of the freedom after exams!
Sad? Because of the dreadful results.
We got another record for Maths:
1 pass for Add Maths, 2 after adding 15 marks.
Not more than 10 passed Maths D.
Chinese isn't good either. Some of the chinese pros got low marks.
I failed, of course.
Sad case.
Luckily I passed all my science subjects.
OK... enough for the exam. It's history, let's enjoy our holidays and freedom before next year come, which is always deadly... :P
Well, sports competition is starting now. Tomorrow it's senior's basketball. Hope my team can at least perform something good, although there is not much hope, seeing that other teams are so damn good. Well, who knows? Miracle happens, right?
After all my team is called "Black Horse", thanks to rabbit for this stupid name.
Oh, Ling Yue's birthday is coming soon. Let's see if we can drag Chee Hong to MP this time. LOL
And Perfect World (Malaysia English Version) is just disappointing. After delaying for so many times, the server isn't even ready for now.
Ah, and Jia Jun had come back to Malaysia for a short rest before going back to take his Bahasa Melayu (Singapore version), which almost tend to scrap an A for it.
I think that's all. Wish all my team members good luck and have a nice day everyone.
And before I forget: HAPPY DEPAVALI !!!
Aftermath, out.
PS: Song did a good job in spreading Jacky's phone number and love story in BlueServer... LOL
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Exam Update Part II
LC is a mess and many of us spend 2 and a half hour in sleeping. Oh, we do try to spend as much time as possible in section D, which is a composition.
Oh yea... Jacky even ask for more papers - to draw.
Chemist is another mess. Well, at least it's not passed sleeping. We try our very best to 'fill i the blank'. Ms Chong is right, this exam is more or less like a hell.
Honestly, it's really a bit hard this time. The only subject that isn't change is BM.
Okay... these are my updates. I can't imagine how much 'stars' I will get this time...
But the old speaking of S1 boys: play while you can!
Enjoy your sweet freedom from exams..
but I think some of our playtime won't be long...
Gtg... there is a basketball training tomorrow. Nothing too serious, the coach is Jacky... lol
Aftermath, out.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Exam Updates
Exam is a lot hell harder than we all expected. So we are now swimming away from the pool of hell.
1 day left.
7 subjects examed.
Failing rate: 50%
Oh well, it started with EL and Computer Studies on Saturday - when I'm still sick. It started out well. EL and Computer are both quite easy-to-do.
Monday: Chinese and Maths D
Chinese is so damn hard. Teacher had already told "students who must not be named" that even top chinese students in class like Chu Shan had problem in answering it correctly. Oh, my name is mention too - which is always a bad sign when it's chinese.
Maths D is moderate. I can't say it's hard, but it's not easy either. Well... and as usual, I didn't manage to finish it.
Oh yea... I just managed to get back to health the day before.
Tuesday: B.M. and Physic
This might be our dream day, but no.
The B.M. is nice. The questions are quite nice-to-do.
But Physic gave us a surprise. It's very high standard - something we didn't expect from our teacher. One good thing is there is a... erm... 'retest' on Monday on this subject, so case close.
Wednesday: English and Maths D (paper 2)
Well... English paper is quite hard this time, and many students complain about it. The writing paper isn't too good either. The topics are not nice-to-write, but I managed to choose the title "teamwork".
Maths D is almost the same as paper 1. Nothing special.
Thursday (today): Biology and Add Math's
Okay, nightmare day. Bio started out quite nice, just a few questions unknown...
But Add Maths...
I can see Jacky sleep after around 20 minutes, and Chun Xian is drawing something...
And Elize is playing with her paper...
Me? Too busy looking around... haha...
WTH! Can't even complete a single question. I'm not surprise that if more than half of the class fail again for this time.
So I think I know my point now... at least 2 subjects - Add Maths and Chinese had failed.
I think I will make that 3... tomorrow's LC.
About my sickness... well, it's a bit too stubborn. I had been sicked for 5 days - Wed till Sunday. And the sick isn't gonna leave if I had not attend for TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine).
Oh btw, the cure is so weird... if in a movie you will think it's witchcraft...
It's my aunt who use the method on me.
Chicken feathers.
Yea, you are not hearing (or seeing, in this situation) sounds! Chicken feathers!
Not by eating it of course.
The chicken feathers were boiled with water and let it cool down for a while.
And while it's still steaming (round 60-70 degree C I think), use the feathers to wipe my back, chest and face. After wiping, you can see some white glittering 'scales' and 'pig feather' on my skin. They say those are the cause of the fever.
Well, it's hard to explain, no scientific explanation, but it works, even though the clinic medicine don't work.
Well... I think that's all...
Will keep you all updated when the exams are finally over (tomorrow).
Good luck.
PS: No PS for this post... :P
PSS: Qin, take care yourself. School reopen already don't late sleep again lor... if not sick like me... :)
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Bad luck, I'm sick...
Alright, it's exam fever (and I'm having a fever now...) again. Exam is coming soon so I guess people are starting to do their last-minute revisions now.
My mother's habit of nagging me did not change, but I'm getting used to it. However, I do start to do revisions, starting from this Monday. Well, after all it's the end of year exam.
Something interesting happened in the school today. It's the Chemistry lesson. Ms Chong was acting like she doesn't see any 'pants wearer'. It's no good, but Jacky and Chee Hong is making fun of it - which make the whole class laugh. Well, at least that will prevent us from dropping asleep.
I'm very tired at school today due to the sickness, and try to find as much time as possible to rest. The last 3 period was a mayhem as the 'usual 9' gather at the back of the class. Well, seems okay to me. I find some time to sleep. :)
Well, we are discussing about what to do after exam. Yann Kang (aka Rabbit) suggested Lost World, which is, in my opinion, quite boring. Yea, playing with friends will be fun, but aren't we going there a bit too often? Erm, we do make fun of Jacky by suggesting 'San Poh Tong', 'Hill City', and 'McDonald Drive-through'. Why? Nah... ask Jacky... LOL
Okay... so good luck to all my friends about the final exam!
Edit: Oh, and I just found that our Principal's husband had passed away. Let's hope he went peacefully.
Aftermath, out.
PS: Gee.. Kah Ho's secret had been put on public by Jacky. LOL... his expression is so funny... what? Oh Ling Xing (sorry if mis-spell)?
PSS: Qin - Be positive, think positive!
Friday, 12 October 2007
Free holiday... a short, boring entry
***Prepare for the launch...***On local time (MAS) 11th of October 2007, 0:26am, A Russian rocket carrying Malaysia's first astronaut has blasted off from Kazakhstan.
**Rocket is launched!**
A new era of space travel for Malaysia!
However, many people are saying that it's a waste of money.
Personally, yes.
The money spend on the cost of space travel is better off used in improving the quality of our life. Public properties, for example. You should know how 'good' it is.
Anyway, enough stuff for that.
Got free holidays because of Hari Raya. Great. I think this is the first time Private school got more holidays than government school.
And the DotA match today is fun. Damn... got blame for being 'lanci' because I farmed till 3k HP... what the hell... that Ah Kin...
Btw there is really no lag at the start of the match and maybe that's why Jacky say we 'lanci'...
But other matches are fun. Nice to have a free day without parents around. :P
Oh yea... anyone planning to go and watch Seeker: The Dark Is Rising? It seems to be a good movie.
And for Tomato Mak's sake, RAIN CATS AND DOGS! :p Just kidding...
At the end of my entry, I would like to quote a poem I went pass somewhere in the net.
Hope you all enjoy.
I had closed the door upon my heart
And wouldn't let anyone in,
I had trusted and loved only to be hurt
But, that would never happen again.
I had locked the door and tossed the key
As hard, and as far as I could,
Love would never enter there again,
My heart was closed for good.
Then you came into my life
And made me change my mind,
Just when I thought that tiny key
was impossible to find.
That's when you held out your hand
And proved to me I was wrong,
Inside your palm was the key to my heart...
You had it all along.
PS: To W. Qin, don't be sad. Remember there is always friends that care about you. And no one is perfect. :)
PSS: Gee... even Perfect World's character isn't perfect... =.='''
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Unlucky day... well nevermind... I have friends with me... :)
It started out when our discipline master search classes for long-hairs. Well, as all my friends know, my hair is relatively short and is always up-to-standard.
But what the hell...
I got my hair cut my the discipline master. And he only cut my hair for not more than 1 cm. Is he too free? =.='''
But one thing is sure that his 'skills' had 'improved'. All our hair is cut in a straight line, so straight that you can use the ruler to measure it...
I found a nice and short poem online, and I would like to hare it with you all.
When you need a shoulder to cry on,
Remember that I have a warm embrace,
Ready to offer comfort.
When you think I'm being too tough,
Remember that which does not kill you
Makes you stronger.
When you need a friend to listen,
Remember that I am here for you,
When you doubt me,
Remember that I once knelt at your feet,
Washing them in service to you.
When you lose faith in yourself,
Remember that I never did,
Nor ever will.
It's a nice poem about friendship. Always remember, there are always friends that care about you, trust you, help you, and ready to lend their ears to you.
Never walk alone - the Liverpool Football Club team song, is really a good song for all of us friends. We are like a team, a strong unit when we combined and work together.
Heard of the story of 'The Sticks and the Sons'? One stick is so weak that even the youngest son can break it with ease, but when combined, it is so strong that no one can break them. That's the moral.
Never feel lonely. There are always friends, and I found them a great pleasure in my life. There is no real 'solo' in real life.
So if you are feeling low, don't be worried to speak it out.
Remember, you are not alone.
At the end of my entry, I would like to post a story that is found on a forum. It's a Chinese one, and very touching.
Hope you enjoy it.
年輕人就會出現,他會陪女孩說說話 ,或是逗女孩開心.
原來女孩希望用時間來沖淡年輕人對自己的感情 ,
她心想,一天夾1個娃娃, 最快也要三個多月之後才有100個,
就這樣1 天,2天,3天..,年輕人的娃娃數量不斷的累積,而女孩刻意與年輕人保持距離的結果,
可惜的是,年輕人始終沒出現, 只剩下那台沒人使用的娃娃機.
Oh yea, it's Blog Action Day after 5 days from now.On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future.Blog Action Day is about MASS participation. That means we need you!
So if you are a blogger, and wanted to be one, you are welcome to join it.
OK... I think that's all for today...
One link for you all in case you are bored:
Aftermath, out.
PS: Ah... and one thing... BS is so damn lag so I advice you all not to play it till the server is smooth again, especially DotA or NOTD players, which need good timings.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
huh... where is freedom
What's wrong with that boy mama
He's living like that's got no mama
I think he is living in a dreadful drunk
Only attracted to the things that bring the trump
In his home, yeah, he try to be a good student
But he still got bombard by his dear parents
For using internet, for playing basketball
The hatred for his parents seems to be never-ending
But if he only have a bit freedom for his own life
Then he will have some free space for himself
And the free space will generate some happiness
And when you happy you are bound to get hope, yeah
Irate is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
And stop blaming and scolding for you own reasons, yeah...
I'm boring, I'm dying
I'm hurt and you'll see me crying
Can you imagine what's happening
And you will know that how I feel
Brother Brother Brother help me
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is freedom
Where is freedom (freedom)
Where is freedom (freedom)
Where is freedom
Freedom, freedom
Just a "lyric" of myself, lending the song from Black Eye Peas.
My house
1625 hours
Operation Wathafart
Voice Record, Printable version
This is the first sound you will hear when you enter my house at this time.
Analyzing scene...
Source of Sound: Quarrel
That's what happened when my mother start another insane idea of her 'brilliant' plans...
And quite unreasonable...
"I will remove your CPU and keep it at your grandma house..."
Holy sh*t...
Of course I will 'defend' myself...
What la... another way of making her pleased while making me harder...
You see... of course I will go and have a row with her... so now... change of plan:
"You will be online less and holiday you will also have a limited time of using comp... bla bla bla..."
Better than the first one... but still... damn!
It's holiday dude... End of year holiday! And now she blow up my bubble...
I have my plan ok... you still think I'm a little boy who doesn't think of my own future?
I have no idea of what's waiting me outside? No future plans? No idea of what I will be walking through?
Then you are wrong.
End of Log
Too angry to write anymore about that...
Let's... put it down
Alright... had a tiring but fun duty yesterday night. The shows were good, but the working group was a mess... curtain and stuff... all the plans changed and we can only do the second best thing: wait for order.
One thing I'm quite angry is that what is promised isn't given.
"We noticed that Scouts are always helpful but left unnoticed. Now we decided to give you all a table at the feast."
This is what promised at the assembly. Everyone heard that. Even our scout teacher confirm that. Then at that night, no table... lol...
And our fatty of the troop was very eager to sit down on one of the tables... :P
Well... but then got one table they let us to eat when the feast is almost over... ate the last 3 dishes...
Oh yea... one of them is a scout from 29th Kinta when he's young... of course, 'one day scout whole life scout'... still a scout now... haha
Alright... nothing much... so...
Aftermath, out.
PS: The students like Kah Ho's singing... :P
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Some affairs huh...
Okay... we are so damn lucky to avoid last year's talent show... but this year isn't the same...
So our class decided to sing for the show. Well, it's started out alright, but things got messier when the heat is rising.
First of all, attitude. The girls might say we are so damn uncooperative with them... well, yea, but you know why?
It starts with, one thing, I don't know why, many of the boys actually LIKE to sing (like Neo and Kah Ho)... but you see...
No one likes to be commanded around. And criticizing makes the situation worst. You can't expect us to be as good as you all, you know. We are not professionals! Do you think everyone can sing that good? What's more? damn, the song is for girl's pitch one... you know it's very weird when a boy sing... erm, I mean a normal boy...
But never mind... we sing. And? Got scolded (Kah Ming prefer it as 'diao') for nothing! Maybe not all boys are singing (like the stupid rabbit), but all boys got scolded for that, by teachers and girls as well...
Scolded by a teacher? Well, we are used to it. But by our fellow students that think they are our 'mom'? Sorry, no way. They just think they are freaking good and scolded every single boy (maybe except Chee Hong and Jacky, who sing it out loud)... hey, I'm innocent ok? I and Chun Xian is singing softly at the front, who said that we can't sing it out soft when we are practicing? And who said that we can't sing while we are doing our homework (chemistry for example, I dunno why they said about chemist)?
And here goes... especially the singing group, scold us as they are much more wiser, older, useful... bla bla bla...
There is a Chinese idiom that said: a person is better to be killed than be insulted. Well, of course it's not that serious about being killed, but hey, everyone got their own "face". How do you feel when you really get insulted?
If you can stand it, I'm very impressive on you... but not everyone can.
"Boys are useless one..."
Fark off... then why call us to go help you and call us go up stage? It's you all who wanted this, and now you force everyone to do the same... well, as a class, it's okay to help, but that attitude really makes people angry.
"We are the one who want to be perfect... boys go 'eat' themselves... no use one..."
Cool! What a good scolding... and now you call us to go practicing with you all... great.
I don't know... but I think if you want to ask people to help you, I don't think you will speak in that tone...
Of course, I'm not speaking of all girls in our class. It's only that portion that make us sick of it.
Oh, one good thing is we all don't remember the flaming part, which is good. If not... I think we will all argue in class.
Speaking of the teacher. Oh great... the same sentence:
"Boys useless one..."
Another 'fark off' to you, sir. It's such a good pleasure when he scold us here... and in the other hand, he call us to help... great. Sometimes we called him 'GTA'... Great Teacher A**s... yea, really great.
I wish I scrap an A for my physic and see that emotion on his face. (yea... I enjoy that when I got my UPSR)
Tomorrow will be the 'judgment day'... so good luck boys... and maybe I should say good luck class, for not being laughed on stage.
Hope that our classmates can cooperate better next time...
Okay... enough flaming for that... hope you don't mind... it's only the words in my mind..
"I'm sorry, I can't be, perfect..."~Simple Plan, Perfect
Oh yea... and today, we had another explosive + flammable basketball match with the juniors... well, it's actually not in our plan. But then you see... another proof of boys can't be insulted or laughed at: Kong had another fight with one of the juniors...
I can't blame him, any hot-tempered person will do that (as we all already know that he is). That guy hit the basketball to Kong's face (purposely it seems to be), and laugh out loud... imagine yourself...
Oh... and yesterday, our rabbit went to toilet, which is a very interesting thing to us - we had only saw him going to toilet for once, starting from Junior 1 till Senior 1. And he doesn't bring his water bottle for these days.
Let's have a laugh: LOL
And at this moment... I saw Chee Hong online... quite rare in normal days... LOL
Well, playing the drum set is quite fun actually... tried playing it today. Maybe next time when I can own money that time I go learn... the drum set is damn expensive. My parents won't be able to afford it. So I guess guitar might be the best one for me for now.
And we had a lot of fun in our ECA today... playing station games... some of the junior actually enjoyed it!
Well, I think that's all... looking forward to tomorrow's events.
Aftermath, out.
PS: Conglads to all PMR exam takers. Last day tomorrow!
PSS: Bad news for our school students because can't go home for tomorrow...
Another Quote:
Mencken's Law - Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach.
Monday, 1 October 2007
A normal week.
Kinda good day... you know, the weather. Nothing special till the MML period. WTH! Our teacher lost my team's pen-drive! It's Neo's by the way. There are some other "plug-ins" in the pen-drive for our presentation.
And Neo was damn angry about what happened.
Oh yea... and expressed his anger when he read a sentence with the word "damn".
Well, I think that our teacher might be a bit 'not responsible' about this. She can't even remember who she gave away the pen-drive too (or is there that 'person'... Neo suspect she lost it).
And about the presentation...
"It's a good slide, but the presentation of it make your mark low." That's what she said.
Well I dunno... but she seems to be a bit "too interested" in our group. First we were questioned by so many unreasonable questions (which we answered technically, and furiously... luckily we were used to it... school debate team...). Then the trouble of passing up the homework, till losing Neo's pen-drive and a "good" comment about our presentation.
By the way, Jia Yu and Joyce's team's story looked nice too. Vinna's one is a bit boring while Faizan's one... well, no one actually read it.
nd I don't think they believe I wrote that story (maybe except Joyce who help me to correct grammar errors)... :P
After that was Art lessons. LOL... our art course for this year had finish so we had another free period. We played "Rich Man" then. It's a quite fun game actually, but since I first played it, Jia Ming just "teach" me a lesson by losing my money... and our proud owner of the new I-Phone was also rich in virtual... and lucky.
And about the good weather, I stay back for basketball. The best weather of the month I dare say, for basketball of course.
Okay... enough for today's entry. Let's talk about something before today.
Some of my scout news:
=======================Oh, and last Saturday, I manage to avoid the trip to KL. Instead, I went to Jacky's house - and had a lot of fun there... lol
-------New Post--------
-19th Kinta Scout 2007-
Treasurer (Main)
Ng Chun Xian, the current Leader of 19th Kinta Scout had been announced by the SIs that he will be the new Treasurer, which is originally reserved for someone else.
Congratulation to Ng Chun Xian (nick: Saltfish) in being the new Treasurer.
And good news to Lic Teng, who doesn't need to collect/keep the troop's fee anymore.
Had a nice late chat with my friends there. And some tricks with Jacky... haha..
And, Jacky said that we broke our record for scoring 130 layup balls in 10 minutes.
Alright, I think that's all... nothing too special happened last week...
Aftermath, out.
PS: Good luck to all PMR students! The 1st day of the exam is just on!
PSS: But I think that PMR exam is the best thing happened last year... everyday we went out, and I still manage to get 7A's, which annoys Neo very much... :P
Fall from the tree
Fall from the sky
But the best thing is to
Fall in love with me...
~Annoymous, from
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
A short entry, flaming free :)
First of all, congratulation to our buck-tooth friend, Rabbit (nick) who got his I-Phone today, and start showing off in his MSN display picture. "Yay....i got my iphone......hahahaha" is what he said.
Nah... just kidding about the showing off part, but it is indeed in his display picture. Quite huge actually, kinda like a smaller version of N90.
It is said that there is a computer games competition, held by Sam Tet High. Well, I'm not sure whether they let outsiders to take part, but it's a good chance to play with other schools friends. DotA and Counter-Strike is included.
My usual update about our basketball news. Today, my team: Hon Yee (2), Devva (2), Ah Pang (2), Ah Beng (0), and me (4) win the rojak + school team surprisingly, score 10:8. Well, one thing for sure is they didn't take us seriously, I'm suppose. Otherwise I don't think I and Ah Pang will got the chance to shoot. That Devva take PointGuard position which give us a headache. =.='''
Of course, I must thanks Jacky who guide me in my self-training. Well, I do improve a bit, at least I can be a Point Guard of my own.
Oh yea... and today Jacky injured his own leg during the match ; yet came into the court later and tried to do pointless rebound... lol
In my previous too crowded post, I forgot to mention that, at last, I found contacts of some of the active members in my primary school. It's cool to chat with them together... some of them doesn't change much, while some of them become more mature. Me? Still the same old David. :P
Hope that this year's gathering will be held in Bercham.
And we have some interesting affairs at class. The usual "shooting" occurs everyday at the back of the class where Jacky got hit much. Each of his sentences is cut off by a joke about his love, usually by Chun Xian - which Chee Hong enjoys a lot because he is not the target.
When he talks about driving, we would say that he drives to SanPoTong, or cave.
By the way, we do discover a big weak-point of Jacky. He is VERY afraid of tickles, in our great surprise. At least now we can counter him if he is too annoying.
And Kah Ho is getting more annoying and trouble-making in class. It's good that he always annoys Jacky, which we enjoy watching it. :)
Oh, and I had just watched a record of Linkin Park in my uncle's house (or rather, grandma's). It's damn cool to see how the 6 of them cooperate and be a successful band. And they are quite funny. I still remember Chester got bitten by a spider in his butt before a concert. LOL
It seems that their fashion had changed a lot - the record I'd watched is when they produce "Hybrid Theory".
One thing that is very cool is the bus they travel around. It's damn complex and there are a lot of TVs in the bus, including a wide screen.
Well, I think this is the end of this post. A short one will do after the loooooooong one. ;)
PS: I will be off to KL this Saturday and I don't know when I will be back on Sunday. So it's very likely that you won't see me online on those 2 days. Of course, I will try my very best to avoid that trip because it isn't fun and I dislike long-distance journey. I will get dizzy.
PSS: I wanna play w@n mei... :P Can't play much now... don't have holidays. Maybe I should concentrate a bit in DotA. At least I can reach 25 levels in an hour. Haha...
Monday, 24 September 2007
A voice of a secondary boy
Back to business - my parents is pushing hard on me and I'm kinda having a row with them nowadays.
You might say that children should listen to their parents. Yea, that's only apply when it is damn reasonable.
I must clarify something first before speaking anything. I don't think many students from private school, especially Poi Lam High, will go home and study. No really, who will go and study the text book when the exam is weeks (that means more than 2 weeks) away, even months! Alright, some revision done once or twice a week may be fine, but everyday... watdahell...
You must know one thing, we, private school students is different from government school's. We study from 8am till 3pm average, and Saturday is an official school day for us.
Let's do some maths (since my mother wanted me to score so badly):That's 475minutes (7hours 55 minutes ~ 8hours!) different each week!!
Mon-Fri: 8.00-15.00 - That's 7hours x 5 = 35hours
Saturday: 8.00-12.35 - That's 4h35min
Total: 39hours 35min per week = 2375 minutes per week
Let's see what time does government school student studies in school:
Mon-Fri: Average time - 7.20-13.40 = 6h20min per day x 5
Total = 1900 minutes per week
And I didn't even include our Thursday's ECA time.
Don't try to argue with me about extra classes after school - private schools DO have extra classes after school. And extra time for ECA too. Thursday alone really isn't enough for uniformed society like Scouts or whatever band.
What I'm trying to show is, WE HAD ALREADY STUDY MORE, SPEND MUCH MORE TIME THAN normal government school. What's more? Our lesson is harder than government's! You can't deny it, it's true. When did government school start to have Add-Maths and the 3 Sciences in Form 3? Even UEC, gives more challenge than government's lesson, especially during Senior classes. In Form 6, UEC's paper is far more harder than SPM, and GCE O'level students might have difficulties in answering them. I don't think you can really take our private school's result to compare with government's. Damn, average students in english that studies in government school might as well fail GCE's English.
My dear parents, I'm having enough of this. I admit that I might able to score more in exams, especially the 3 sciences, but for Add-maths and Chinese Literature, really, I'm out of it. You might able to give a lot of 'reasons' about why I fail it, but reality is reality.
"Oh, you use too much time in computer." "Oh, everyday play basketball..."
These are all made-up reasons. Who say I didn't study before exams? I did! Damn, I'm not that kind of person that can walk calmly into the exam hall without any information in my brains. Too much time in computer... you might say that... well, around 3 to 4 hours (sometimes even less) per day, too much? I don't know. There is no standard about it, but by comparing (oh... maths again), along with my friends, this is normal. There are a lot of manics that use, or playing games with computer, with A LOT MORE TIME than me! Time had changed. It's a whole new era. Computers, internet, chatting messengers, blogging, forums, reading articles from net, these are all normal activities among teenagers nowadays! And many of them even have their benefits!
Really, they always think that computer is bad. I don't know, but they really like to watch the bad side of every-single-damn-thing.
Don't they ever wonder why I have so many extra knowledges in life?
Don't they ever wonder why I'm much better efficient in computers than some of those who owns a computer much more longer than me?
Don't they ever wonder why I can type fast (not very, and without style, but it is fast enough for normal use), even I didn't take typing course?
Don't they ever wonder why I can do wonders with computer?
Don't they ever wonder why my English is getting better, apart from my novel reading?
Don't they...
Man... you guys should know, I always follow my mother's promise: Games - only during Sat and Sunday, plus holidays. What did I do with my computers normally?
Oh... a lot of things... And good stuffs too!
Blogging, as you might aware of it when you read this.
Webpage/Forums design, publishing, and managing.
HTML codings, although still not quite good at it, need a lot of time to memorizes it.
Reading articles from encyclopedia or information sites.
Design pictures and stuffs with my Photoshop and other Software (thanks to all my previous computer teachers that teaches me these... I had took some course about it during a holiday).
Remix musics!
And a bit of entertainment with some MMORPG (Role Playing) sites, it does teach you a lot how to get along with people. And of course, some of my favourite game sites or fan sites (Harry Potter, for example).
Are they BAD?
Oh... and why don't my dear mother say that computer is bad when she ask me to help her, doing some school document or exam papers?
And about playing basketball... OMG! That's my hobby! That's my way to relief my tension in school works (you might say no, but yes, there is, less or more), or other things. Oh... I will explain this in detail later, a small secret I wanted to share with my fellow friends.
You want me to be a bookworm (or bag, in chinese)? Well, I don't. 2 hours of sports everyday won't hurts, I suppose. Don't tell me you didn't play, running around the countryside when you were still small. I'm not gonna believe it.
Sports! It's a damn good activity for our free time! It's damn better for those less beneficial activities! I don't know why they can have a damn with this.
Oh yea... it's damn ALRIGHT when she chases her Korea Drama series...
Alright, you might wanted to ask why don't I revise a lot in normal days. Here is my answer. Everyone has their own way of studying. I enjoy studying during night, mainly because it is less noisy and it's usually cooler. And why I only start revising a week before exam? The reason is simple. Anything that requires hard memorizing, I will really forget it real fast, maybe a day or two. That explain why subjects like history is bad to me. I don't know why, but this happens even when I'm a little kid in primary school. Unless I really like that thing, or it can be memorize lively, that piece of information, or part of it, will be thrown into the recycle bin, within 3 days, cash guaranty. I found that listening to the teachers in class help more in studying. That's why I don't really revise a lot. The general information is already learned during lesson. Well, maybe not all lesson, but subjects like maths and chemist, I think that you guys will agree with me that we all DO listen those in class.
Alright... it seems that my anger about it has ease a lot at the end of this article. That's... great.
Well, before I end it, I will tell you a story of my past, as I promised above.
It happened long ago, when I'm Primary 4. Some people from Sam Chai Primary or Yuk Choy Primary might knew it.
Anyway, last time, due to my family, I don't really has a lot of hobbies or activities. My first sport is badminton, and I've learned chess when I'm 6. But I don't really did these activities in normal days because first of all, I don't have people to play with me that time. Even now, I don't have neighbors! Both house beside me is always empty, and those people don't really communicate and only care about themselves (this explain why I had thieves in my house for so many time).
The main point is, I don't have others activities for my daily life. My everyday life that time was: wake up - go to school - extra classes - back home - tuitions - homework - sleep. Maybe around 1-2 hours for watching some TV programs and News Report. And sometimes, swimming, or playing "outdoor badminton" (you all should know that it is not really fun doing it, but I have no choice, it's better than nothing) with my neighbor, who is 3 years older than me. My brothers? Oh... they are too young to understand it that time.
What's more? School tension is really high that time, especially for a small schoolboy that time, P4 only! A lot of student already having problems about it. Some even trying to commit suicide (fail of course... what can a P4 student do?)! And I'm always in the first class, the working load is really high! Plus my working speed is really high. You know why I can stay till late night everyday and still manage to do with my normal daily activities (around 4 hour of sleep daily)? Although I'm trying to change it (yea thx to Joyce, who always tell, or maybe nag me to sleep earlier... lol :P), but that's the reason why I can do it - Homework was done till late night everyday!
And during exam time... OMG... each mistake done in Maths will be "rewarded". You know what I mean. Plus some other subjects too.
In the end, I break up. Really, I vomit during one recesses time. Vomit hard, and fainted. Luckily my friend's mother was there to help me. I can't imagine what will happen if he was not there. I was quickly sent to a clinic and the doctor had proved that I had shown some sign in the early stages of getting over-tension. If this continue, I might have some mental problem or so on. I do always got headache that time. That's when I'm studying in Yuk Choy.
What can my mother do? She changed me from Yuk Choy to Sam Chai primary. It the school at Pasir Putih, and that's how I know about Poi Lam High and wanted to go there. Oh by the way, in Sam Chai, the lessons are completely different! There is not much tension in homework. The work load is suitable, good enough.
The most important is, I've changed. I started to involve more in ECA. Badminton, Football, Ping-pong, everything I can find in my school, I try it. And I made a lot of good friends here who are willing share happiness and sadness together. My life had never been that happy, especially when I first join the class. They are just so friendly that I know them the first day (maybe not names), even the girls mix with the boys.
Oh yea, some teachers in Yuk Choy looked down on me. What they say: can't cope with their steps. So what, I get 7A's in UPSR. The only different is, my childhood is not that hard, completely full with books, books, and more homeworks.
I will never forget that. Oh, and our holiday trip. I still miss my friends.
Hope that everyone of us will have a good future, whatever way you want to go! Every right job is a good job.
Peace. :)
PS: Thanks for reading all those rubbish I wrote. :) Thanks a lot.
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Some balance in real life.
Moving to the canteen, we gave away our vegetables to the canteen aunty, we had our second reward: a cup of free drinks. Sounds cool, yea?
Then we went back to our classes. The first thing that I encounter is our usual discipline from our dear form teacher. But that is nothing, then only I notice that there is some changes to our sitting position. Oh damn... our form teacher's clever idea again of shutting us off, although it doesn't works for each time. And this is damn unlucky... I got called to change place, and my new position is: beside Kah Ho. Not a big deal, but I decided to put up a fight with him, see if I got a better option. And then, one of my good friends, Chun Xian decided to swap me, changing him instead of me. Well, he is 10cm taller than me and his new position is the front of the line. There will be problem soon. We will wait and see...
OK... after my bad luck, it seems that my luck is getting better now. Just after school, I play basketball with my friends. And I'm 'godlike' in 3 point. LOL
I'm not saying that it is completely luck balls (or chicken ball, as we refer). I do practice a lot in shooting 3 points, but about 10 3-point balls scored does need some luck. :)
Lesson learnt: There will be always a balance in the life. Whether it is good or bad, just go through it. You might face troubles in your wonderful life, yet there is still lightness in the dark outer space if you mind to find it. Friends, for example. I find their present's a great pleasure in life.
PS: Alright, I got some information from my other classmates that it's the "singing group" that suggest the idea of changing place. Sorry for blaming all to our form teacher.
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Fun Fair isn't really that FAIR.
Back to the main point.
Anyway, one thing that really makes me angry is the attitude of some of the S1S1 students. I'm not pin-pointing at anyone of you, you should know if you do this. I'm not really sure who is wrong, but there seems to be some mistake in between us. Ever since we separate in 2J3 and 3J4, this kind of feeling/idea is getting stronger and stronger: "S1S2s are brainys that are bad in anything except studying. And they are proud and lan si."[*] < Remember this icon
Hint: Don't go around shouting if you are the one. This will only telling people: 'Hey, I'm the Mr S1S1 he's talking about!'
Come on, all people in our class should know what is going on. We think those ideas long ago in a Form Teacher period. All those ideas came out last-minuted. I don't know how the girls get their ideas from, but we boys (or I should say, teams with mainly boys) all think their ideas on the spot. You all should know that we boys aren't that pro in planning, and I bet we won't gather information before the meeting. Do you think that we are that hard working? Great.
Some more, we didn't even had the faintest idea on what S1S1 will do, not a single resources told us that. I don't know about the girls, but we boys won't hang around talking this I think. Our ideas are raw, totally canon! So don't give me a damn saying that we 'stole' your idea and trying to make ourself 'rich' with that.
This is really unfair to us.
You might say that "Oh, this is your own speaking!" Yea, this is my speaking and this is what's true. Guys, I'm not going to stand on any side - neither S1S2 nor S1S1. I want this to be fair. I don't know who is wrong, but please make it clear before blaming each other. We are friends you know! You had known each other since Junior 1 and many of us even study in a same class before! Why are you all flaming others just for this little misunderstanding?
Lastly, I would like to quote a part of the song Kawanku, sang by Wong Ming Zhi, singer of Negarakuku.
We are friends but we are making mistakes, I don't understand you and you don't understand me.Peace. :)
We are friends and we are making mistakes, if we solve the problems, then everything will be FREE!
Oh, and one thing about our own class (S1S2). Can the girls stop being a bit too bossy? I meant it. Stop commanding us around and think that you are damn good. No offense, but that will only make us even angrier.
Aftermath, out.
PS: Hope our fun fair will goes on smoothly.
[*] too bad this aren't true. We got Hong who is damn pro in basketball, Kah Ming who is damn geng is football, Chun Xian who is a DotA freak, Jacky who is a good sportsman, Rabbit who is damn creative and rich, Devva who is so tall (although Jacky say he is useless under the net =.='''), our forums team who always win, Neo and Kah Ho who pros in singing (although some of the time is dreadful), our girls who are so hot (dunno) in dancing, Elize who is so geng is kicking people (lol, juz kidding)... etc. etc...
Oh... and you can say I'm a noob in creating this tread. No problem, I'm used to it.