3 seniors - A photo beside a 'beautiful' drain.
God comes! A picture of me in the jungle hiking. Mind you, it isn't cool -the mosquito is damn annoying...
Some silly fall-in during station game. I wonder why the leader wear "hip-pants".
"Thank you sir!.. erm, Madam..." A salute to higher ranks' is essential in scout activities. (even though she is shorter)
A DIY BBQ pit...
Dual combo. No extra explain needed.
Lonely duck... he gonna leave the school - for good... lol
Storm, earth, fire.. heed my call. Our camp fire.
My cousin and Troop leader. Will he be the next troop leader?
Another victim of the camera. Btw, how the hell did he get in...
Tower - fully loaded. Guard tower going to fall~~ (Note: this isn't current camp's)
Okay... now, I smell something fishy...
Hey, and where are Joyce's photos? I don't think 'he' doesn't take any... :P
Btw, enjoy your holiday guys. :)
PS: More photos will be on when the camera-man hands the photos over.
PSS: Anyone who want to share the camp photos, pls send it to me via MSN.
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