Chain mail... this?
Nah... not this...
Chain mail is a mail - be it an e-mail, message or any kind of text medium that is forwarded from people to people all around the world. While it looks like harmless, it is actually damn annoying.
The following is the typical chain mail.
*blah blah blah*
*tons of message*
*be it good or bad*
In the end...
"Please forward this to X number of people, a surprise will appear after X days."
And the worse of all.
"If you didn't forward this to X number of people, you will be curse (What ever curse is it, died/no gf/bad luck)..."
Okay... these are tons of rubbish message. If it's a friendly message, no problem. But I mean, if it's a real good message, people will send/share it with their friends, why curse them because they didn't send it?
Personally, I had stop reading message with weird titles and completely avoid Friendster's bulletin board because they are FULL of this kind of JUNK.
As we all had known, there are some message that is TOTAL FAKE.
For an example: The forward it to your friend (If you delete it you have no heart) - every forward will rise 3 cents to the whoever victim or some sort. There is NO WAY the what-ever company will able to track how many forwards you all made! Yea... no heart, big deal... why don't the company itself donate the money directly? Stop the crap.
Another example: It started as a love story and end up requesting you to sent on the message, to continue the so-called 'love link'. If you forward it to X number of people, your true love will appear in X days. I found it a complete rubbish.
One more rubbish example: It started out in some story, be it horror, funny, love one, it still end up to the same - Forward it to X number of people or risk yourself. Usually, it is followed with a page full of examples about whoever - Harry, James, or Jane, victim of not sending this message, ending up dying in the streets. Bloody hell. I think the manga series 'Hell Girl' are more convincing.
And the last common example: Ghost will haunt you if you didn't forward this message. It usually started with I don't wanna send this message but I don't want to die or some sort. Some even curse your mother. Big deal huh? I 'risked' my own life for not forwarding those - hell, I'm still alive.
Therefore, please stop sending these crap message and contribute tons of spam in the internet word. We are better off without them. If these messages are true, there will be millions of people dying EVERYDAY.
Think of it, let's represent the world's population by 10 person. The 1st person send to 2 people. The 2 people will need to send to 4 people. That leave the last 3 person who has no people to send these message to. What? Time to wait and die? Hell, no.
So next time, think before you post.
A side note/tips: If you really scared about being curse, when you forward this kind of message, please add a * sign in front of the topic. That will put this kind of message to a stop.
Ah, and before I forgot, a late Happy Father's Day to all the world's father! Didn't get the time to post it yesterday.
And a funny picture:
Aftermath, out.
1 comment:
You're damn right man.
thanks a lot for that.
hope this blog of yours will be read by many people.
especially those who engage in this kind of crap.
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